Analysis Challenge #1

Welcome to the first ngEHT analysis challenge. The primary objectives of this first challenge are to set up a framework for the generation of synthetic ngEHT data based on theoretical source models, to conduct the organized submission and cross-comparison of reconstruction results from multiple people, and to get a first idea of the benefits and challenges of ngEHT datasets as compared to the current EHT.

We invite participants to submit image reconstructions from a total of eight synthetic datasets. Additionally, results from any non-imaging analysis are also welcome, as well as an evaluation on the challenge. This challenge includes two static total-intensity source models (SgrA* and M87), and simulated observations a two frequencies (230 and 345 GHz) using a hypothetical ngEHT array including the current EHT and 10 additional stations (ngeht_ref1 and eht_2022). Participants are requested to submit image reconstructions by July 16th to the ngEHT challenge website -- see below for details and instructions. Please note that unless otherwise specified, all source models and data products should be kept proprietary among those currently invited to participate in the challenge, which includes all EHT Collaboration members.

The information below is (partly) published in our Galaxies paper.

Table of Contents

Communicating with the organizers

The primary way to talk to the challenge organizers is the private analysis-challenge-1 channel on the ngEHT-2021 Slack. If you need an invite to the Slack or to the channel, please contact Greg at glindahl ZAT We're also happy to help people with software installation advice.



Please note that unless otherwise specified, all source models and data products should be kept proprietary among those currently invited to participate in the challenge, which includes all EHT Collaboration members.

Downloads are password protected: the username is challenge1 and the secret password is available if you ask on Slack, on the analysis-challenge-1 channel on the ngEHT-2021 Slack.

Challenge 1 Downloads

Example Scripts

Joseph Farah has provided an example imaging script, (last updated July 15, 2021)

Running on M87_eht2022_230_thnoise.uvfits, it took 90 seconds and used 3 gigabytes of memory.



Please submit your images as FITS files bundled in a zip file. The images can be reconstructed with any field of view or pixel resolution, as long as this is clear from the FITS header. If you can, submit an image for each of the eight provided datasets. For the M87 datasets and the ngeht_ref1 Sgr A datasets, you may also analyze the 230 and 345 GHz data jointly. For Sgr A, please submit your best estimate of the intrinsic source structure (i.e. after any scattering mitigation). You may submit multiple images reconstructed using different methods; please follow the filename conventions as specified below. We will be using eht-imaging to load and evaluate the images, so it may be worth checking if your image loads properly in eht-imaging.

Non-imaging results

If you have performed analysis other than imaging (e.g., fit a geometric model, measured the black hole mass or spin, or constrained plasma parameters), please provide a text file summarizing your method and results. These results will not be formally compared or analyzed, but could certainly provide us with valuable insights.


It would be helpful but not required to add a txt file summarizing your experience with this challenge. Think of questions like

Filename conventions

For the zip files, use the format challenge1_[firstnamelastname].zip.


For the FITS files, use the format challenge1_[source]_[array]_[frequency]_[method]_[firstnamelastname].fits

Example: challenge1_SGRA_eht2022_230_ehtim_freekroelofs.fits

For non-imaging results, use the format challenge1_[source]_[array]_[frequency]_nonimaging_[firstnamelastname].txt

Example: challenge1_SGRA_eht2022_230_nonimaging_freekroelofs.txt

For the evaluation, use the format challenge1_evaluation_[firstnamelastname].txt.

Example: challenge1_evaluation_freekroelofs.txt

Submit your results

Our server has a 1 gigabit Internet connection, so uploads shouldn't take too long. The challenge organizers get notified by Slack for every failed or successful upload. If you see any problems, we're likely to reach out to contact you quickly.

Source models


Sgr A* model

Description: Semi-analytic stationary RIAF model for SgrA in the literature (see, e.g. Broderick & Loeb 2006). This model can be used to test the capabilities of next generation arrays in precision modeling of BH parameters. High resolution is needed to capture the unique signature from subring structure. This model does not capture any variability due to turbulence in the system.

Details: The basic model is a=0 (Schwarzschild) at an inclination of i=130 deg and all models include non-thermal particles. The model includes disk height (following Pu et al. 2018), sub-Keplerian flow properties (kappa=0.5, alpha=0.5) following the notation of Tiede et al. 2020 -- e.g. Eq. 10 and 11) and fitted to the observed data of Bower et al. 2015, 2019, Liu et al. 2016 and Zhao et al. 2003.

Citation: These images are generated for ngEHT end-to-end simulation studies by Christian Fromm ( Please contact C.F. for use outside ngEHT challenge activities.


Scattering: The 230 GHz and 345 GHz images were scattered with the same realization of the Johnson et al. 2018 scattering model before generating the synthetic data.


M87 model

Description: MAD GRMHD frame from a rapid spinning black hole a=0.94 with electron thermodynamics from reconnection heating (see Mizuno et al. 2021 for details The GRMHD simulation was performed with the BHAC code (Porth et al. 2017) using three levels of AMR in logarithm Kerr-Schild coordinates. The numerical grid covers 384x192x192 cells in radial, azimuthal and theta direction and is extending up to 2500 M in radial direction. The mass accretion rate and MAD parameter (see Tchekhovskoy 2012) is monitored and after obtaining a steady state we perform the general relativistic radiative transfer calculations (GRRT).

During the radiative transport we include non-thermal particles via the kappa electron distribution (see Pandya et al 2016) in the jet sheath while excluding the highly magnetised spine by using a cut in the magnetisation at a value of 1 (typically referred as sigma cut.) The power-law slope of the kappa distribution is set by a particle in cell (PIC) motivated sub-grid model depending on the local magnetisation and plasma-beta following Ball et al. 2018. In addition we include a fraction of the magnetic energy density to accelerate the non-thermal particles (see Davelaar et al. 2019 and Cruz-Osorio submitted). In the jet wind and disk region we use a thermal electron distribution, where the electron temperature is directly obtained from the GRMHD simulation. In order to guarantee capturing small scale structure on the horizon scale and at the same time the large scale jet structure, we used a FOV of 1mas using a resolution of 4096x4096 pixels.

Since the GRMHD simulations are scale free we normalise our GRRT simulations by setting the mass (6.5e9 M_sun) and distance (16.9 Mpc) of the black hole in M87 and iterate the mass accretion rate until a compact flux density of 0.8 Jy at 230GHz is obtained.

The radiative transfer is performed with the well tested and highly accurate radiative transfer code BHOSS (Younsi et al. 2020)

Citation: These images are generated for ngEHT end-to-end simulation studies by Christian Fromm ( Please cite Mizuno et al. 2021 and contact C.F. for use outside ngEHT challenge activities


Array and Data Synthesis

Station locations

Two arrays were used to generate the synthetic data. They are labeled eht_2022 and ngeht_ref1. eht_2022 consists of the 11 stations expected to participate in the 2022 EHT observations. In ngeht_ref1, 10 stations are added to this array. The station locations were chosen based on a uv-coverage analysis led by Alex Raymond, investigating which combination of sites from Raymond et al. (2021) provided optimal uv-coverage, folding in weather dropouts. The LMT, SPT, and KP were not included in the 345 GHz observations with eht_2022. The station locations are shown in the image below.

ngEHT ref1

Data properties

A 24-hour observing track was simulated for each array, source, and frequency, resulting in eight separate datasets. Each track consists of 10-minute scans interleaved with 10-minute gaps and is identical for each dataset. A single frequency channel with a time resolution of 10 seconds is provided.

Thermal noise expected from the receiver and enhanced by atmospheric opacity were added to the complex visibilities. The following assumptions were made for all sites:

Visibility phases were scrambled, but stabilized across scans. No further systematic errors were added, this will be done in future challenges.

After data generation, data points with a signal-to-noise ratio less than 1 were flagged.

Summary table

The table below summarizes the station locations and SEFDs resulting from the assumptions outlined above. For a more detailed breakdown, see arrays/station_info.csv

Station Code X (m) Y (m) Z (m) SEFD_230 (Jy) SEFD_345 (Jy)
IRAM-30m PV 5088968 -301682 3825016 809 4456
SMT AZ -1828796 -5054407 3427865 4973 27410
SMA SM -5464523 -2493147 2150612 1500 5882
LMT LM -768714 -5988542 2063276 357 2710
ALMA AA 2225061 -5440057 -2481681 63 231
SPT SP 0 0 -6359610 3669 11552,
APEX AP 2225040 -5441198 -2479303 2609 9261
JCMT JC -5464585 -2493001 2150654 2105 8259
GLT GL 541647 -1388536 6180829 2417 23326
NOEMA PB 4523998 468045 4460310 307 3022
KP KP -1994314 -5037909 3357619 3535 34109
BAJA BA -2352576 -4940331 3271508 11125 53309
BAR BR -2363000 -4445000 3907000 10905 51219
CNI CI 5311000 -1725000 3075000 11813 74896
CAT CT 1569000 -4559000 -4163000 15321 166684
GAM GB 5627890 1637767 -2512493 6099 285727
GARS GR 1538000 -2462000 -5659000 28480 949659
HAY HA 1521000 -4417000 4327000 1090 144350
NZ NZ -4540000 719000 -4409000 16932 225001
OVRO OV -2409598 -4478348 3838607 23788 894355
SGO SG 1832000 -5034000 -3455000 10905 50204

Related links

ngEHT Winter meeting challenge files (previous work)

ngEHT Simulation group presentations: 12/8/2020, 4/23/2021, 6/4/2021